What To Know
- Our small Post 44 museum (the glass display case) houses a varied assortment of military mementos that includes military awards, helmets, a reserve parachute, a first aid kit, a variety of ammunition, mess kits, canteens, bayonets, and coveted gas masks.
- Imagine being in the military serving in the Great War or a family member waiting at home – it must have been “awesome” to read these celebratory articles during such an intense period.
- Sergeant of Arms, Billy Estes of Legion Post 44, mentions that several years ago this “historic” equipment display was much larger and was previously located at the entry of the post for all arriving members and visitors to see.
By Thomas Smith, Post 44 Historian
The American Legion Post 44 in Scottsdale is home to all sorts of World War I & II-era personal military relics. It truly is a treasure trove of “member donated” artifacts from earlier times. If you’re visiting the post and have a few extra minutes, check out the type of equipment our veterans once relied on or might have even struggled with during long ago periods of military service.

Our small Post 44 museum (the glass display case) houses a varied assortment of military mementos that includes military awards, helmets, a reserve parachute, a first aid kit, a variety of ammunition, mess kits, canteens, bayonets, and coveted gas masks. It also displays newspaper articles, an infantryman’s jacket and soldier handbooks with actual legion member names inscribed. The two news articles celebrate the US victories on both World War II fronts. Imagine being in the military serving in the Great War or a family member waiting at home – it must have been “awesome” to read these celebratory articles during such an intense period!

Sergeant of Arms, Billy Estes of Legion Post 44, mentions that several years ago this “historic” equipment display was much larger and was previously located at the entry of the post for all arriving members and visitors to see. It was later relocated to the bar dance floor area to make room, so the post could display and sell more profitable merchandise. It’s called progress!
When writing this article, Post 44 member Scott Lane, suggested that maybe it’s time for post members to donate more recent or up-to-date personal military equipment. The goal would be to display what our younger generation might recognize from their time of service.
Because we are a military organization, most of us do enjoy having this type of equipment on display. It’s a reminder of what and who we represent. “Personally, I was part to the 2nd Armored Division (AKA General Patton’s own “Hell on Wheels”) during Desert Storm in 1991 and 1992. So, it’s incredibly neat to have World War II equipment available to remind so many of us veterans what was available at the time and really how far personal military equipment has advanced.”
We are all so fortunate to be members of Post 44! Why? It’s the “best damn Post in the west!”