Commanders page

June 30, 2023

I am Randy Amos. Commander for Post 44 in Scottsdale. I have been a member of Post 44 for two years. Before that I was a member of Post 58 in Fountain Hills. I have lived in Scottsdale for about 20 years. I served in the Army for six years specializing in communications. I am 58 years old and have three children ages 18-26. Currently I am an IT Manager, managing 8 software developers for AMR Ambulance and Emergency Services. I am also the Treasurer for the Riders, coordinator of the Bar Bingo, including scheduling and inventory. I assist with building security by monitoring on-calls for alarms. I have assisted with replacement of all the chairs at the post, replacement of the ceiling tiles throughout the post and installed outside patio lights. I love this post and it has felt like a second family to me ever since I joined. I care deeply about this post and its members. It is my vision to see the post move forward with growth and profitability. I want to see new members join and at the same time support our current member’s satisfaction and comfort levels. I sincerely feel serving in the position of Post Commander I can make a positive difference. I ask for your  support so we can work together to insure that Post 44 continues to be a positive influence for the Scottsdale community, its members and for the Veterans we strive to support.